| " I feel that the HypnoBirthing® programme is so distinctly different from the other childbirth programmes, that its uniqueness guarantees the safety and trust of birthing families in the UK and throughout the world." Marie Mongan, HypnoBirthing® creator and founder,December 2011
HypnoBirthing® Classes - Enjoy preparing for a confident birth in 2020
- Group and Private HypnoBirthing Courses running over 5 weeks throughout every calendar month
- BOOK CLASSES NOW & take advantage of our COURSE RATES - exceptional value for money
- 5-week courses - group and private bookings now being taken (Feb- early Mar 2020 group class fully booked)
- Private courses £350 £335 per couple for bookings made before end June 2019
- Next evening group classes starting April 2020
♦ £240 per couple ♦ Ask about availability - See below for schedule of 2020 class dates
| Still have a further question? Visit our FAQs page for our answers to the most frequently asked questions: Go to FAQs page→  
Who is HypnoBirthing® suitable for? The programme is suitable for anyone who simply wants a calmer, easier, more natural birth experience for themselves and their baby. It is helpful for first-time births or if you have given birth previously, for twin births and for caesarean births required due to special circumstances. Read our frequently asked question on suitability to find out more by clicking here to Go to Suitability FAQ→
Class Information When is the best time to attend classes? |
Course Details Each course consists of 5 weekly classes of 2.5 hours. If your pregnancy is 35 weeks or over when you start the course, I am authorised to deliver the programme to you over a single weekend or two separate days. I teach the HypnoBirthing® course in group or private classes as follows to expectant mums and their chosen birth partner→ Group classes ♦ £240 per couple
- Bookings now being taken :
Next Group Class Dates: 2020
On weekday evenings every calendar month Classes starting April, May, June 2020 Monday to Thursday Evenings at 7:30pm over 5 weeks - class dates arranged based on availability of group members. Venue: Wath-upon Dearne, Rotherham (Maximum 3 couples per group couples) Book here to secure your place 2020 course enrolment available on request |
| Private Classes ♦ Autumn Saver Rate £350 £335 per couple for bookings - Classes taught on weekday evenings (Mon-Thurs) or during daytime hours (Mon-Fri)
- To individual couples at my home where your comfort and needs are my priority
- Flexible start dates & options to suit - please call or email for details
Create your own group - Mini-group HypnoBirthing classes can be arranged if you and other pregnant ladies that you know wish to form a separate group on different dates from the group class dates above.
- Group rates of £240 per couple will apply (group size of 2 couples or more)
- Classes will be taught at my home in relaxed, pleasant surroundings for your home-from-home comfort
- Flexible options available- please call or email to discuss further
I teach all courses at my comfortable home in Wath-upon-Dearne. Lying in a semi-rural location on the edges of Rotherham, it is very accessible from all areas of South Yorkshire (Barnsley, Doncaster and Sheffield) Wakefield, Chesterfield, Worksop and North Nottinghamshire. It has excellent motorway links to both M(1) and A(1).
Course Materials At the start of class one you will receive an exclusive Birth Freedom childbirth preparation pack, including - The official HypnoBirthing® handbook 2016 fully revised UK edition, endorsed and accredited by the Royal College of Midwives
- Consolidated course handout pack (professionally presented and very user-friendly)
- A comprehensive HypnoBirthing® birth plan to enable you to clarify and share with your midwives your wishes for each stage of labour and birth
- Deep relaxation conditioning MP3 tracks - Rainbow Relaxation & birth affirmations
- Access to supplementaary MP3s and materials available to Hypnobirthing couples
In doing the HypnoBirthing course with me, you also receive, between 12.5 and 15 hours specialist teaching and coaching over 5 classes. See immediately below for details of my ongoing support to you after all classes are completed.
In addition a refresher class is also available at an additional cost. This is useful to refresh your knowledge of the programmme in preparation for future births or if you complete the course at an early stage or to give you the opportunity to revisit the main tools and techniques learned during the classes at a time close to your baby's birth. Please contact me for details.
Ongoing Support You will receive all further support that you feel you need from me when you finish the course right through to your baby's birth. I provide personalised support, guidance and coaching by email or phone. I take the post-course support element of my role very seriously. As a HypnoBirthing® mum myself noone better understands the course materials, how best to teach it and the support needs of HypnoBirthing mums and their partners.
Click on this link to find out what I can offer to you as your HypnoBirthing® practitioner : Go to About Me
Course Costs & How to Book Birth Freedom HypnoBirthing® courses are deliberately provided at very reasonable rates to make them affordable to as many expectant mums as possible whilst maintaining the highest quality of both teaching and course materials provided. Course fees per couple*: £ 240 group fee £ 335 private course fee for Spring 2020 bookings
*Course fees should be paid in full by cash or cheque at the start of class 1.
To Book a place on the course for you and your partner, please contact me at Birth Freedom→ or use the Sign up for Classes button located near the top of this webpage. I am happy to discuss any particular needs or concerns that you may have, finalise start dates with you and forward a course enrolment form to you for completion prior to the course.
PLEASE NOTE: Genuine financial hardship. For anyone serious about doing the HypnoBirthing course who feels they are unable to do so due to genuinely limited financial means - special rates and/or payment methods may be negotiable for group classes. If you feel that this situation applies to you please contact me in total confidence to discuss this further. I am fully committed to equal opportunities and value diversity and inclusion. My aim is to make my classes as accessible to everyone who wants to do them. If you or your birth companion have a special need, including a disability that requires reasonable adjustments to be made to the way that I provide my classes, please contact me in confidence to discuss further.
Course Content HypnoBirthing® is so much more than just a childbirth or antenatal course. It is a complete birth and parenting preparation and education programme for mums-to-be and their birth partners.
I find that often people express surprise at just how comprehensive the course is. It equips mums and their birth partners not only with everything they need to experienmce and enjoy a relaxed, much more comfortable and easier labour and birth but also to enjoy a calm, confident pregnancy while creating a secure, loving and deep bond with their baby both pre-birth and as a newborn.
The course combines the following elements : - In-depth teaching and education on
The practical and logistical elements of birth preparation and planning; enabling you to make clear and informed choices and decisions about the kind of birth that you want for yourself and your baby
The importance of pre-birth parenting, bonding techniques and your baby's conscious awareness in the womb
The full physiology of labour and birth - so that you understand exactly what happens and why at each stage during pregnancy and from the onset of labour through to the birthing and early parenting of your baby
- In-depth tuition and coaching on the full range of HypnoBirthing® tools and techniques to support you fully during each stage of labour and birth.
Think of these as your personal toolbox of techniques, which you can freely select from throughout each stage. They include
- Instant and deep relaxation techniques, including self-hypnosis and fear release methods
- Visualisation techniques
- Three Special Breathing techniques to help you work effectively with your body during labour (between and during surges) & birth
- Massage techniques to aid relaxation and facilitate birthing
- Natural Induction methods to initiate labour and to restart labour naturally if it should stall or weaken
These are combined with education and tuition on the following to prepare the body for birth - physical exercises
- correct posture and
- nutritional guidance
- In addition, you and your birth partner will view fascinating films of real-life UK HypnoBirths which very importantly, will help to convince you that you, your partner and baby can also have a very positive HypnoBirthing experience.
What You Will Learn (A Summary) For a detailed summary of what you will learn over the 5 classes, please click on the following link: What you will learn→ |
 | Next: " About Clare" Discover what I can offer to you as your prospective HypnoBirthing® practitioner. Find out about my own experience of birth both without and with HypnoBirthing and why I am so passionate about teaching this incredible programme: Go to About Me→ |