| WHAT YOU WILL LEARN on the HypnoBirthing® programme - Everything you need to achieve a safe, easier and more comfortable birth
- To explode the myth that pain is a necessary accompaniment to labour
- What’s wrong with labour as it exists with most other childbirth methods
- The origins and sources of fear and tension and how they cause unnecessary pain during labour and birth
- That Birth is a completely natural, normal function of the body
- How your body is naturally designed to conceive, nurture and birth your baby with ease and comfort
- How to release any fears and concerns, anxieties or worries you might have about birth...no matter what they are or where they come from
- How to build a very positive expectation of the labour and birth of your baby, as your confidence increases with each class
- Techniques of instant and deep relaxation, enhanced by self-hypnosis and visualisation to help you to eliminate pain-causing fear, stress and tension and to perfectly prepare your mind and body to enjoy a calm, serene, comfortable birth
- How to release your body’s own natural relaxant and painkiller, endorphins, as you learn to quickly and easily relax to a level that is ideal for labour & birth
- Special breathing techniques that actually help the birth(rather than risk hyperventilating by panting/shallow breathing)
- How to prepare your body for labour and birth: comprehensive nutritional advice,physical and postural exercises to optimise your birth preparation
- How to greatly reduce or even totally eliminate both the pain you experience and also the need to have drugs or medical intervention during labour and birth
- How to feel calm, in control and energised throughout labour & birth
- Why it is so important to have a birth plan and how to complete and use your HypnoBirthing birth plan most effectively
- How you and your birthing companion can create a birthing environment that is calm, peaceful and joyful, rather than tense and stressful
- Techniques and practical advice and guidance to enable your birth companion to support you fully throughout your birth preparation and the labour and birth
- Pre-birth parenting and bonding techniques and the consciousness of babies in the womb
- Natural methods to bring your body into labour without artificial chemical induction
- Natural methods to restart labour if labour should stall or weaken at any time
- What exactly happens and why during each stage of labour and birth,what to expect and how best to utilise the HypnoBirthing® tools and techniques at each stage
- Optimal positions to adopt during labour and birth
- What questions to ask of your medical caregivers and when; empowering you to remain in control of your baby's birthing
- How to reduce the risk of needing an episiotomy by using an amazingly simple massage technique
- How to gently breathe your baby into the world without the exhaustion and risks to mum and baby of hard physical pushing
- If birth plans change; How HypnoBirthing can support you effectively in remaining calm and relaxed where special circumstances arise
- Just after the birth: parenting and bonding techniques to help provide a calm, loving welcome to the world for your newborn baby